How To Make An Appeal Video For Reused Content Monetization in 2024

How To Make An Appeal Video For Reused Content Monetization in 2024

How To Make An Appeal Video For Reused Content Monetization in 202



Reused or repurposed content is becoming increasingly common on YouTube and other platforms as creators look for ways to maximize their content output and revenue. However, this can sometimes lead to copyright claims or even channel strikes if not done properly. If you’ve received a claim or strike on reused content, making an appeal video can be an effective way to get your monetization reinstated.

In 2024, with AI-powered content moderation becoming more prevalent, crafting an effective appeal video requires both human creativity and strategic optimization to succeed. Follow this guide to learn how to make an appeal video that works in 2024.

Understand the Platform’s Policies

The first step is always reading and understanding the current platform policies around reused content. YouTube’s 2024 policies may have evolved from 2022, so re-check for any changes. Key things to look for:

  • What % of new commentary/value is needed for reused content?
  • Any changes to rules around music, images, text reuse?
  • Recent platform statements around AI detection of reused content.

Knowing the exact policies will allow you to directly address YouTube’s concerns in your appeal video. Demonstrate you understand the rules but believe your video meets the requirement.

Craft an Original Script

The appeal video itself needs to be 100% original commentary and analysis around your content. Avoid reusing large portions of your original video’s script. The appeal is your chance to add new context and commentary that satisfies the platform’s reused content requirements.

Aim for at least 50% new narration compared to the original video. Write from the heart to explain your creative process and intent to the content moderators.

Add Value Through Commentary

During the appeal video, your commentary must add value by offering useful insights and perspectives on the reused content. This could include:

  • Providing context on why you created this content
  • Describing your creative input and production process
  • Adding analysis, critique or factual information not in the original video
  • Explaining educational or entertainment value for the viewer

The goal is to explicitly showcase the uniqueness and hard work you put into the content, even when repurposing existing materials.

Show Your Expertise

Position yourself as an expert in your field providing analysis others cannot. Demonstrate your qualifications, knowledge and abilities related to the subject matter.

Explain why viewers come to your channel for informed analysis they can’t get elsewhere. Make a strong case for why you should be allowed to monetize this content.

Be Transparent

Don’t try to hide that your video contains repurposed content. Clearly acknowledge what materials you reused and explain the permission and licenses involved.

If you don’t have explicit permission for certain reuse, apologize and state you have removed that content. Transparency builds trust and shows respect for copyrights.

Provide Examples

Compare your video to other creators in your niche who have successfully monetized similar content. Clips from 3-5 case studies help make your argument.

Point out other channels that add comparable commentary without facing reused claims. This demonstrates consistency and policy compliance.

Suggest Improvements

If possible, suggest ways you could enhance the video to further meet the platform’s standards, such as:

  • Adding an introduction explaining your creative intentions
  • Overlaying more stats/data/facts than in original
  • Increased commentary for educational context
  • Adding end screens with references and citations

This shows you actively want to create value, not just reuse existing content.

Appeal Directly to Reviewers

Remember there are real people reviewing your appeal. Be respectful and passionate in appealing to their sense of fairness and logic. This is your chance to get their support.

Explain the financial impact of demonetization through lost revenue. Demonstrate you are a creator acting in good faith to earn a living, despite this mistake.

Follow Up Appropriately

If your appeal succeeds – great! However, reused content strikes often require 2+ appeal attempts before reinstatement. Follow up promptly and appropriately if your first appeal is rejected.

Do not spam appeals or get aggressive. Calmly reiterate your points and intent to comply. Offer to remove any still-objectionable portions. Stay professional.

With a well-crafted appeal showcasing your expertise and respect for policies, you have a strong chance of recovering your reused content monetization, even in 2024. Just remember – always add value! What matters most is the hard work and creativity you bring as a creator.

Steps For An Effective Appeal

To summarize, follow these key steps when submitting an appeal video in 2024:

  1. Research the latest platform policies on reused content in detail.
  2. Script an original narration covering 50%+ new commentary.
  3. Explicitly explain how you are adding value as a creator.
  4. Demonstrate your subject matter expertise.
  5. Be transparent about reused materials in your content.
  6. Use case studies and compare to similar monetized channels.
  7. Suggest improvements to meet policies.
  8. Appeal respectfully and passionately to human reviewers.
  9. Follow up professionally if initially rejected.
  10. Focus on showcasing your hard work and creativity!

The environment for reused content is always evolving, but creators who optimize their appeal approach can overcome moderation barriers. Add your own creative spin, provide insightful commentary, and respect copyrights, and you can get your monetization reinstated even for repurposed content.



How To Make An Appeal Video For Reused Content Monetization in 2024

What is reused or repurposed content on YouTube?

Reused or repurposed content refers to videos that incorporate copyrighted materials like photos, videos clips, text, or music without permission. This could be content used under fair use, creative commons, public domain, or other exceptions. YouTube requires creators to add value through original commentary.

Why do videos get demonetized for reused content?

YouTube wants to protect copyrights and incentivize original creations. If repurposed content doesn’t meet its policies by adding substantial new commentary, YouTube may remove monetization through AdSense.

Can I reuse content if I credit the source?

Crediting alone is usually not enough. You need explicit permission or fit under fair use exceptions. Your own original analysis and commentary must dominate the video.

What % of new content do you need for reused content?

YouTube doesn’t provide an exact percentage, but around 50%+ new narration compared to the original source is recommended as a guideline. The more original analysis, the better.

What are some best practices for reused content appeals?

Be transparent, showcase your expertise, demonstrate respect for policies, highlight your creative efforts, use comparison examples, appeal to human reviewers, and focus on adding value through commentary.

How many times can I appeal a reused claim?

You can submit multiple appeals, but avoid excessive submissions. If rejected, calmly reiterate your points and intent to comply in follow up appeals. Offer to make edits or remove content if needed.

Can I reuse content and still monetize under fair use?

Yes, fair use allows for reuse of copyrighted materials in some cases, like commentary, parody, critique, etc. But you must add substantial new original content that transforms the work. Appeals help make that case.

What if my appeal is rejected? Should I remove the video?

If your appeals ultimately fail, it’s best to either remove any unapproved reused content or re-edit the video to meet the platform’s policies. Otherwise, further penalties may result.

What’s the best way to avoid reused claims when repurposing content?

Add commentary, make video reactions, incorporate transformative edits, secure permissions, cite accurately, link to originals, follow fair use guidance, and focus on creating unique value for viewers through your own original analysis.

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